Monday 6 August 2012


  1. Would you like to know how to draw closer to God?

  2. The more time you spend in fellowship with the lord through prayer, the more his character and personality are revealed in and through you. This is one of the most exciting benefit of prayer. Through prayer your spiritual antenna is raised to pick God's thought and you begin to think like him....
    Some people only pray when they are challenged to do so by certain challenges in life, and that is not and will never be right. As christains we are called into fellowship with our heavenly father by prayer. Praying, and praying the right way, is an improtant activity in the life of every christains. It makes your life beautiful, if you truly want to feel satisfied and alive in the world, starting with being alive by the word is the best way. .....(To be continued)... Victor agbai...

  3. Praying to God is same as having fellowship with God and by doing that you break up the fallow grounds of your heart and making it ready for your responsibility..
    You have to cultivate your spirit i.e preparing it for the entrance of God's word. In scriptures, the word of God is likened to a seed(Luke 8:11).
    The seed of the word is designed to produce you a harvest of what it talks about.. Good health, peace, joy, abundance and victory. But if the heart is not made ready for the entrance of the word, it will not produce the desired result.

  4. The testimony of Heaven & Hell by Rofoldo...

  5. Testimony by Rofoldo...... THE-TESTIMONY-OF-HELL....
    Then i saw two bad smelling black doors. It was hell and it was horrendous. As i was about to enter the doors, a large serpent, whose head was full of thorns and whose body was covered in blades instead of scales proceeded to enter a jail. While i entered those doors, i saw eyes of all kinds in the wall, looking at me; but those eyes comming out from the wall and it was a demon that had a plate on his chest that read, "Iam Vengeance"....
